With the innovative use of energy conservation and technology, Hawaii Taro Farm LLC and its farmers hope to foster rural farming prosperity, engagement with the community, and the creation of jobs in the new economy. This farm will supplement and serve the County of Maui and Hawai’i’s social, business, economic, environmental, cultural, and community needs.

Through the proposed foundation, the project will address Food Security and provide produce and protein to feed Maui’s most vulnerable.

As part of the agriculture development project, farmers and other trades will be trained, and infrastructure for water and sewer will be developed. Farms will be incubated, and technology and community involvement will be used. Workforce development will take place, a partnership with UH Maui College may be formed, and food, soil, and animal scientists will be involved.

The initiative will reduce Maui’s dependence on imported food, create jobs, help business development, train farmers, and perpetuate Native Hawaiian culture.

Kaiali'i Kahele, Native Hawaiian Congressman, visited Maui to hear the voices of Maui ranchers and farmers.

The Project: A Proposed Model for Agriculture Development sponsored by the County of Maui & The Office of Economic Development. In January 2022, Hawai’i Taro Farm LLC began laying the foundation for this project. Our Environmental Assessment and Community Planning process has been handled by a Professional Service Consultant since then. A total of 23 Land Lease Surveys have been completed by HTF. A number of meetings have also been held at HTF to develop sustainable capacity with the farmer network. Prepared strategic regenerative farm plans for the farmer network, including cost analysis & accelerator activities, and developed a strategic plan to resource and facilitate the transition to regenerative farming for farmers, including options for livestock feed. Documented similarities between Native Hawaiian practices and ecological practices on Maui. Implemented strategic regenerative farm plans (SRFPs) detailing process improvements and tracked progress over a four-month period to support HTF farmers. Hosted cultural and educational programming customized to support HTF farmers in implementing SRFP. Aggregate a list of support resources for the HTF farmer network, including community partners, sponsors, business planning opportunities, and marketing support. To conclude, update the HTF website with project achievements and the HTF farmer network; as well as the creation and installation of an entrance sign for the farm.

~Hawai'i Taro Farm Entrance Signage~

We would like to extend our deepest thanks to (L-R) Kiana Reyes - Communication Coordinator, Germaine Balino - Professional Service Consultant, and Arielle "Lehua" Simon - Project Manager for their contributions in supporting Hawai'i Taro Farm in 2022.

“Get Involved Today”

Together, Native Hawaiians group to protect the land and people of Hawai'i. (Left to Right) Kaiea Medeiros (Kalonize), Kepa, David, and Koa Hewahewa (Kanu Ka 'Ike), Bobby Pahia (Hawai'i Taro Farm).

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